Monday, August 13, 2007

Rick Schwartz President and T.R.A.F.F.I.C. is very rich

Rick Schwartz, President & Co-Founder and T.R.A.F.F.I.C.

Rick Schwartz, aka "Domain King" and "Webfather", is the CEO and Co-founder of T.R.A.F.F.I.C. As one of the early domain pioneers dating back to 1995, Rick has a knack for predicting big trends and getting it right. He may have been the first to recognize the value of "Type in" traffic which is now commonly referred to as "direct navigation” - the most potent and targeted traffic on the net. Traffic converting 2X-5X that of regular "Search" traffic. Rick has a prime portfolio of one and two word domains, and is considered by many to be among the leading experts on domain names, traffic, website flow and valuation. Besides and domains like,,,, and some 5000 others, Rick is also an accomplished businessman in several other industries including furniture, lighting and advertising. He ran one of the most profitable and efficient home based businesses with no employees back in the early 1990's out of a 10 x 10 bedroom. He sold it for over 7 figures freeing his time to devote exclusively to the Internet in 1998. Rick also sold for $1.3 million in a cash deal that was finalized in May 2004. A domain name that he bought for $15,000 in 1997. Many attribute that sale to help jump starting the domain space at a time considered the lowest point the domain business has seen because of the collapse of Web 1.0. Rick also likes to remind people that after the collapse, domains were one of the few things to stand strong and thrive.It also cemented his main theory that "Domains would go up faster in value than any commodity ever know to mankind." Laughed at in 1995 and 1996 it is FACT today. No stock, no land, no gold, no jewel has ever gone up faster and further in value. In over a decade nobody has ever challenged this statement and his greatest disappointment is nobody has ever drilled down that statement to see what it means and the impact it will have for generations to come. "The business leaders of the world have largely missed the greatest opportunity in their lifetime, their fathers lifetime and their father's before them."

Rick also sold " in July 2005 for $110,000 that was purchased in 1998 for $35 and points to hundreds if not thousands of domains that shared the same destiny. Most are unknown and will never be reported. In August 2005 he bought for $750,000 tying him for the highest reported domain purchase of 2005 at that point in time. More importantly than the handful of domains that Rick has sold, are the domains that he still owns and has turned down tens of millions of dollars in offers. Rick turns down million dollar offers for his properties on a continuing basis. He cites his 20 year plan and vows not to change course. He says that of all the ingredients of success, none are more important than "Patience and timing."

Rick also runs the premiere domain forum on the net in which the top domainers and sponsors in the world are invited to participate and join. His members read like the Who's who of the domain channel. It is known as the hardest website on the net to get into. While others beg for traffic, Rick and his members screens every applicant before they are accepted to keep things focus on business and not the normal personal banter that goes on outside the walls of his private sanctuary. Thus the basis for T.R.A.F.F.I.C. being a tradeshow that is by invitation only. Attendees agree that this is one of the most important features of the show as it guarantees a productive investment of their valuable time as they break bread with the "Biggest and the Best" in a warm and cordial environment. Rick has a solid track record of accomplishments but none reach the level of the satisfaction of creating the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference which he believes has accelerated the industry in ways that can never truly be measured but will have an impact that can never be denied. In 2007 Rick became a founding board member of the ICA. A non-profit association designed to protect and defend the rights of domain name owners throughout the world and to articulate a "Code of Ehthics" that domain owners can embrace and abide by..

Why am I blogging about you?

I made this post about you, because you are a domainer, or know of domainers. I need your help in selling to a domainer or an actual casino.

Sometimes heavy traffic is generated by only the name of the site. The more common the name, the more traffic you will receive. Without any marketing or any form of advertising, its possible to make millions on the name of your site alone.

I have access to one of those easy names. I am selling the name

If you are interested in purchasing the name, simply make us an offer. The asking price is 2.5 million.

Do your research and understand that with an easy name like, you will make your money back quickly.

The billionaires either started with or bought an easy name like that started their rode to billions.

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